Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Cultivating the herbs
So summer has come to London this week - the plants are loving it, the people are loving it. The weather people are all predicting opposing views; one camp saying we are in for a long hot summer, the other camp expressing a doubtful heat-wave and that the season will be as non-eventful as last year. All I can ask for is great weather up to and including July 21, when I fly out to Oz.
The photo on this page is just an example of one of my herb plants and how much it is loving the great weather - the plant is left with all its young tender leaves and in the bowl are the harvested leaves. Being a parent to a dog and a garden and inside pots and patio pots is hard work - trying organise and sychronise all their trimmings and waterings and feeding and bugwatch ---I think I have added more and more stress to my life. I was aiming for an edible garden, bit by bit, I am getting there.
Catch Up - London sunny, partial cloud - 28oC
So just a quick update - I am writing to you from the garden flat -- and in fact, not the flat itself - the outside table in my garden. I am liking the studio living concept a little bit more each week --- but i think that it is only because it is summer and basically I can eat outside and enjoy the garden with Harry and friends who are coming over.
I really miss living with Ezio - the day to day banter and carry on but for the minute things are OK - it's all about being patient and seeing how things go. He is in a happy place reclaiming his freedom, I guess that is all that is important, isn't it.
Work is too hectic at the moment and I have o be honest and say that I am very stressed with moderation, exam preparation - getting students to the stage where they can walk into their final exams, relaxed and confident is no mean feat.
I bought a mower last weekend and have been working my way through what seems to be a HUGE garden at the garden flat -- I have to get things more organised on this front. My fruit trees are doing OK -- thirsty buggers though. My herbs are in a very very happy place - they are loving the warm conditions - we are sitting on a lovely balmy 28oC today -- makes for a better disposition when the sun shines in London.
I am waiting patiently for the next 2 weeks to go by so that I can just relax for another week on half term - then we have 7 weeks left before the Summer holiday. I have booked my flights to Oz and a flight to Alice - but plans are still sketchy at the moment.
Enough rambling -- just a quick catch up because it's been too long since have written. Hope you are doing ok.
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