Major Adventures

Just a bloke's records of how his life unfolds.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

NEW BIRTH: Penny & Tony Have A Blue One


The details...
Kaelan Christopher John Miles... born 30th January 2007 at 12:08am via emergency C-Section. 6lb, 5oz, 56cms long.

Kaelan at 3 days old: How cute indeed. Yay Penny you did it!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ah the gossip you hear ...

So you see, Bekky was going out with this guy, nice looking fella, treated her really well but she just knew that it wasn't going anywhere. Bekky and Aimee share a friend in common, apparently he is the cutest bloke in the world, in fact according to the girls, even me, Sir, would think he was well hot. "Would I just?" "He must be one good looking fella" I said.
Anyhow apparently he is so good looking that Bekky's boyfriend said that this good looking fella was hot in any person's eyes, guy or gal. So, he was dared to get it on with him. Alas, they got it on together, the two boys, the two cute boys, well dressed, well nice down hair, proper nice clothes and like.
Apparently, according to Aimee, the most gorgeous man in the world is happily bisexual at 16 years of age, but he is perhaps a little more gay than Bi. Bekky is OK with the fact that her ex boyfriend kissed her mutual male friend, as she said 'at least its not another girl, Sir'.

All this over the making of a simple butter cream to ice their cakes ... wow such an enlightening day.

Fare thee well then ...

Major Achievement in Food Technology

Like Jordi got the girls to work n stuff ... look look look

Sunday, January 28, 2007

He's Booked ... Australia here I come ...

Well you wouldn't believe me even if I tried to tell you ... BUT I originally booked my trip back to Australia back in December and it was at a ripe old price of £734, which in Australian terms is about AU$1800.00 which isnt too bad for a return trip ticket. Saying that, mind you, I have seen much much cheaper tickets.
I have had many many stories about Emirates being so good, so I booked with them, only to find out that my booking was not registered regardless of my confirmation email - I hadn't been charged either so thats not so bad. BUT when i discovered these events had unfolded, I continued on my hunt for another ticket, having a heart attack of prices being £1050 when I called the airlines and searched the sites. Finally, I found a flight for £882 and I bought it.
I will land in Melbourne on the 2nd April and fly out again on the 14th so a quick visit but will be good to see you again and see my Mum and Sister. I need to see all these new born pseudo nephews and nieces too ... so hurry up and pop them out!

**end transmission**

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Just another Manic Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ...

Life is MANIC MANIC MANIC ... i have spun nearly all the girls around in a 4 week block, I have done an OK job, I think! There are a couple of girls who are just attitude city and could do with Mrs Poll talking to ... however, to be honest I think they would even tell you where to go! You know, to be honest, I don't blame them entirely for their behaviour, because, if you don't have a strong moral fibre weaved at home for you, how else do you learn what is really right n wrong ... if you are called a 'little cunt' by your Mum and Dad and you use an obtuse statement against a teacher, of course you are correct when you say 'I wasn't being rude to you sir' ... cos in effect she wasn't ... in her world!

How about this snow then hey? Hrmmm I was a very happy fella this morning waking up to a road of snow, a little Twingo snow covered and weaving and slipping my way from the Common to Beckenaham. You know the highlight of it all *? The excitement of the kids and their throwing of snowballs at each other out on the ovals before school ... the snowball fight over the fences between the boys and the girls school. They took photos of their snowmen and snuck me a look on their hidden mobile phones at break and at lunchtime ... such a nice 'experience'.

Finished a second 'all day practical' today ... another tomorrow ... the last on Monday, thank goodness .. I then have a PD at the Carlton Crest in London on Tuesday well thank you very much ... its for the A level Food Technology course/s .. I have just come home from a meeting with the architects about the new Food resource and
classroom being built over summer and also the extensions and renovations to the current rooms. It's happening in a big way at a high speed. I have just finished, today, my bid for a Food Technology specific assistant / technician so that will be interesting to see if the Head will support me in that or not...


I have just submitted the new Year 8 program, as they want to extend the FT to lower levels and we have just employed a .6 teacher... so in line with the new Gov initiatives of 'Cooking for Schools', I have just written and submitted a course of study for the year 8s ... draft but done all the same...I do really miss JFS and the nice family/friendly feel of the department of Technology. I am also very excited about all these other changes I am able to bring in here and beef up the programs.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow

Monday it tried, Tuesday it succeeded ... I had very little time for photos on the way to work, unfortunately, because its not often that snow falls in London. Next time I will take the time to stop, appreciate, snap and then send. It was very nice to see London under a blanket of white for half a day. It was jolly cold I say! These photos are both taken at about 7am in Streatham, SW London.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Truth About Food

This is a new TV show on the BBC 2, such a great show which is exploring different foods, different myths, whether foods change the taste of seamen, the foods which increase the sperm count and fertility of men, the powers of garlic and the like... Check out the clips here ... Maybe I am just a huge food nerd but wow, how interesting. CLICK HERE TO SEE CLIPS OF SHOW. Now y'all come back now!!

Ciao then ... off to have a pineapple smoothie ........ ;)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Saga Update

So after a restless night and a self confidence self talking to, I came to work and had a meeting with the Head Teacher. She informed me of what a deplorable young person this student was and she was doing everything in her power to have the student permanently excluded from the School.
At the moment to girl is on a maximum suspension period which edges her closer and closer to being expelled from the school. I then saw this as a great opportunity to tell the Head Teacher that I have not been too happy with my induction into the school and have not felt supported. I then continued to tell her how the process could be improved for a new member of staff. This includes holding a staff briefing day and induction in the first week, not at the end of the second week.
The end of the story is that she agrees with everything I have said, she is extremely sorry for the 'unfortunate meeting' with the before mentioned student and would take all of my suggestions on board and ensure that the system is improved for new staff. She also wanted to assure me that this student was not a true representative of the School's cohort ... which is she right. Overall, the girls are nice, motivated and want to succeed. They are loud mouths, over confident but still manage to be able to put a smile on my face at the end of a stressful day. It can only get better from here. I hope all is well in your world and a little less colourful.
Cheerio then.

Monday, January 15, 2007


An interesting event happened today ... the following is the email I sent to my boss concerning a delightful student at my new delightful school.

Cheerio then, happy read...

Dear Head Teacher,

I wish to bring to your attention the deplorable behaviour of one Year 10 student, whose name I do not know. I have seen her on many occasions in the company of EB. She is a solid girl, blonde/mouse brown hair and I assume a year 10 student.

These two girls were supposed to be completing a detention with another teacher, however, decided to pay me a visit. EB, I teach, although a slight handful, is more or less harmless. Her friend, however, came into the classroom after school whilst waiting for the other member of staff and decided to yell and scream, move things on my desk, after telling her to calm down, she then asked for a pen for her detention, I gave her a pen to borrow. As the other member of the staff arrived for the detention, she turned off the lights in the classroom.

Yelling through the corridor at the completion of her detention as I was heading to the DT faculty meeting, I then asked the girls to calm down and ask them what they are supposed to be doing and where they should be. This vial young person then told me she was there to 'suck my knob'. At which, I exclaimed "I beg your pardon", then I left to go find Ms Deputy Head teacher. As leaving, the said girl then yelled other things that I did not listen to as I walked off to find Ms DHT, to no avail,. She was reprimanded by another member of staff as I continued to Ms DHT's office. I headed to the Technology meeting, in a distressed manner.

As being a new member of staff, I am unfamiliar with the procedures in the school to deal with such profanity. I can trust that this situation will be dealt with the utmost importance and seriousness. Under no circumstances did I do or say anything to provoke such a statement being said to me. This, Miss Head Teacher, is the first time in my teaching career that I have come across such filth and vulgarity and I can assure you, that I do not intend on staying in a position of employment where there is a threat of such harassment by students.

I shall try and find her name out in the morning from the other member of staff who detained the girls after school in the careers centre.
